Aldo Greco graduated in architecture from the University of Florence in 1981. From 1978 to 1983, he frequently visited Giovanni Ausenda's studio, where he delved into interior architecture and design. In 1983, he established his own architecture studio and collaborated with Ausenda from 2004 until Ausenda's death. In 2010, Greco co-founded the Greco-Giovanardi architecture studio.
Throughout his career, Greco has consistently combined his passions for design, architecture, interior design, and scientific restoration. He has worked on various projects for private clients and companies such as Carimonte Bank, Cassa di Risparmio di Cento, and Graniti Fiandre. He has also collaborated with public institutions, including municipalities and the Emilia Romagna region, and design companies. His work has been featured in magazines like Octagon, Casa Vogue, Interior, Riabita, Matter, and BmmZone. He resides and works in Modena.